“I’ve always believed that the key to creating exceptional spaces lies in truly understanding the people who will live in them.”

Growing up with her mother in the industry, Hayley was surrounded by blueprints and building sites from a young age. So it’s no surprise she found herself drawn to design, pursuing a degree in Interior Design at San Francisco State University in 2010. As she puts it, “There’s something about the smell of sawdust and the sound of power tools that just feels right to me.”

Hayley began her career with 415 Remodeling in 2015, learning the ins and outs of construction. As a seasoned designer with the company, she’s spent the last decade perfecting her craft in both design and build. One of the perks of working in this space, according to her, is the close collaboration with the company’s talented in-house tradespeople. She likens the process to being part of a creative think tank, where brainstorming with the team turns beautiful concepts into tangible, life-altering spaces for clients. “It’s this collaborative spirit,” she explains, “that allows us to push boundaries and create spaces that are not just beautiful, but also functional and built to last.”

When it comes to design and working with clients, Hayley is all about understanding how people live in their homes. “I’ve always believed that the key to creating exceptional spaces lies in truly understanding the people who will live in them,” she says. She dives deep into the homeowner’s world, learning about their morning routines, how they unwind after work, and what they need from their space, whether it's for weekend relaxation or hosting around the holidays. Her goal is to create spaces that not only look amazing but also move, live, and breathe with the rhythms of her clients’ lives.

When she’s not designing, you’ll find Hayley behind her film camera. She appreciates the slow, deliberate nature of manual photography, where each shot is a careful balance of angles, composition, exposure, lighting, and shadows. She describes it as her creative meditation, and this eye for beauty seamlessly translates to her design work.

Looking ahead, Hayley is excited about the future of 415 Remodeling, eager to see the team grow with fresh talent and perspectives. She’s passionate about continuing to push the limits of design in San Francisco, making homes even more vibrant inside and out for the city’s residents.